Wednesday 28 May 2014

On Tuesday we had a book-nic. Our parents came to read to us and listen to us read over lunch.

Book Week Parade

On Friday we finished Book Week with a dress up parade. We saw Princesses, Super Heroes, Cats in the Hat, and many other book characters made from recycled materials.
Look at Room 10 book characters.

Wonderment and Awe

Wow!!! Wonderment and Awe started last week. All of the children in the Junior School had the chance to discover, create and wonder about many different activities.

                                              Creating a bookmark with stickers

Building a plane with the lego


 " What will happen with the big bubble wand?"

   Look at the big bubbles I can make.

Blowing many bubbles out of a wand with lots of holes.
 Water play 

I am building a plane.

 What am I doing with the cardboard tube?

Can he join it to the tube on the other side of the tunnel?

I am reading confidently to my buddies in Room 5.

Look at me  pointing carefully to the words

Exciting reading.

Look at me pointing to my words.

Great reading.

Buddies are listening carefully to reading.

Monday 19 May 2014

Buddy Reading during book week.

Today we read to our buddies in Room 3

Reading a book to my buddies in Room 3.

Sharing a book with his buddies in Room 3.

I am happy reading to my Room 3 buddy.
Great pointing to the words.