Thursday 18 December 2014

The year has finished. We have had a fantastic year in Room 10. Merry Christmas and safe holidays.

Inquiry Learning

This term we have been inquiring into Money Matters. In our groups we created a product to sell at market day.

                                        We are making boxes to decorate.

                            We are making bracelets and necklaces with beads.

                                                We are making racing cars.

                                              We are making robots.

                                             We made cup cakes and are ready to sell.

Look at all of the buying and selling happening at Market Day.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Gymnastics in Room 10

We have been learning to roll, balance, spring and safely land in gymnastics.

Concentrating hard while
balancing on the beam.
Great balancing.
Balancing on the beam.

Careful walking along the beam.

Look at the front support.

Bunny hopping over the bench. Lifting knees high.

 Bunny hopping along the bench. 

Great effort showing how to bunny hop.

Good balance walking along
the low beam.

Monday 27 October 2014

Creating Cars

During Inquiry this term we are investigating and turning our class into a Financial Community.
To start the Inquiry we have been earning Junior Dollars. We used the money to purchase materials to make the cars we designed in our Inquiry groups. 
We then raced our cars to see which car could go the furtherest distance. 
Well done Aquilino, Maia and Inis for creating the winning car in Room 10. 

Sunday 17 August 2014

Today we have been experimenting with light.
Here we are making simple circuits with batteries, wires and light bulbs.

We used a torch and a cup of milky water to make a sunset.
The light is shining through particles, when the light hits the particles the light bounces off and scatters.

Orange and red colours scatter the least, this is why we see these colours in a sunrise or sunset.